After a long, silent battle between Sony & Microsoft on next generation console pricing, that silence has finally been broken. Sony and Microsoft fans have heard it all, from hardware to exclusive games, but have been eagerly awaiting to hear one of the most decision making specs of all when it comes to purchasing a next-gen console; price.
On Wednesday, Microsoft broke the silence and announced that the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S gaming consoles will be readily available come November 10th 2020, and available for preorder starting September 22nd 2020. Prices for the Xbox Series X will start at 499 USD, while the Xbox Series S will start at a shockingly low price of 299 USD.
When it comes to any upcoming next-gen release, the big marketing selling point is typically the price. The ease of plugging in a console and gaming being a simple two step process is great, but when the cost of doing so starts to equate to just buying a gaming PC anyway, then what's the point? Microsoft most likely recognized this and decided to take a profit cut on their console, hoping to make up for it in game sales revenue upon the consoles release.
While Sony is still in the dark on their prices for the PS5, Microsoft took one massive leap forward into the future of financial ease in console gaming. For the first time ever in console gaming, customers can now make monthly payments on the Xbox Series X/S for the rather dauntingly low prices of 34.99 USD or 24.99 USD per month, for 24 months. The customer will wind up paying more for the product, but with the financial wiggle room of monthly payments rather than one lump sum savings hit, sometimes financing feel better to the wallet.
Sony fans can't deny that this is a revolutionary step in the console gaming industry, and that this can only bring good things to purchasing console hardware in the not-too-distant future. Trust me, I am a Sony fan. Hopefully Sony can hop on board the announcement train soon and can match or compete with the pricing plans for the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S.